Friday, December 7, 2007


If you are reading this then you are interested in the controversy surrounding the His Dark Materials series written between 1995 and 2000 by British author Philip Pullman. I read the first two books, The Golden Compass and The Subtle Knife in early 2000 and was hugely happy when The Amber Spyglass came out just in time for me to read the end of this award-winning trilogy.

A growing debate right now pits those who see the books as dangerous against those who see wholesome reasons to let young people read them. Should Catholic parents forbid their children to read them? Are the books good or evil? How old should someone be to be allowed to read these books? Should people who have not read the books decide their worth and availability to the rest? I hope that when you enter your comments here, you will identify yourself as an Elms teacher, student or parent without signing your actual name. Speak your mind but always with charity to one another. Remember that though we may differ on this issue we belong to the same Body of Christ.

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